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I like to start lessons by working from the outside, in. 


What happened over the last week? (What was a highlight? What challenged you?)

How was your day today? 

What do you notice about how you’re feeling right now? (Emotionally, physically?)

Learning about (and from) my students is one of my favorite aspects of teaching. Who are you? What do you need? And most importantly, how can I support you? 

Here's what my students are saying...

"With Liz I experienced Alexander Technique (AT) for the first time and it was very interesting to develop a new idea of how my body could move. I never fully realized how my attempts to sit and stand with a "good" posture actually contradicted what my body might want.
Liz showed me and my body different I use physics rather than force and it has become a lot easier. I can only recommend AT to learn all the options you and your body have."

-Valeska R., Musician and Voice Teacher
Get In Touch

Thanks for reaching out!


Liz teaches Alexander Technique lessons in Berlin or online. Learn to change your habits through the Alexander Technique, which includes embodiment practices, constructive rest, and more. // Ich beite Alexander Technik unterrichten in Berlin oder online an. Ich unterrichte die Alexander Technik und embodiment übungen (auf Englisch) um Gewohnheiten zu verändern.


A conservatory-trained classical musician, I especially love working with musicians, actors, and anyone wishing to expand their stage or presentation skills.

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© 2022 ELIZABETH TALBERT | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Photography by Ana Torres | Logo design by Alexander Finis

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